Sneak Peek - endds®


The ndds is a checklist designed to help monitor your child's development.

YNBy Eighteen Months, does your child...
   1 Identify pictures in a book ( "Show me the baby" )*?
   2 Use a variety of familiar gestures ( waving, pushing, giving, reaching up )*?
   3 Follow directions using "on" and "under" ( "Put the cup on the table" )*?
   4 Makes at least four different consonant sounds ( b, n, d, h, g, w )*?
   5 Point to at least three different body parts when asked ( "Where is your nose?" )*?
   6 Say 20 or more words? (words do not have to be clear.)
   7 Hold a cup to drink?**
   8 Pick up and eat finger food?
   9 Help with dressing by putting out arms and legs?**
   10 Walk up a few stairs or steps holding your hand?
   11 Walk alone?
   12 Squat to pick up a toy and stand back up without falling?
   13 Push and pull toys or other objects while walking forward? A
   14 Stack three or more blocks?
   15 Show affection towards people, pets or toys?
   16 Point to show you something?
   17 Look at you when you are talking or playing together?

* Examples provided are only suggestions.
** Item may not be common to all cultures.
Always talk to your healthcare or childcare professional if you have any questions about your child's development or well being.

© ndds
2011 ndds Property Association. All rights reserved.



Fine Muscle

Large Muscle





While the skills in each checklist are expected to be mastered by most children by the age shown, these activities may be a bit more challenging. You can practice with your child to prepare him/her for the next developmental stage.

I feel safe and secure when I know what is expected of me. You can help me with this by following routines and setting limits. Praise my good behaviour.
I like toys that I can pull apart and put back together: large "LEGO" containers with lids, or plastic links. Talk to me about what I am doing using words like "push" and "pull".
I'm not too little to play with large crayons. Let's scribble and talk about our art work.
Don't be afraid to let me see what I can do with my body. I need to practise climbing, swinging, jumping, running, going up and down stairs, and going down slides. Stay close to me so I don't get hurt.
Play some of my favorite music. Encourage me to move to the music by swaying my arms, moving slowly, marching to the music, hopping, clapping my hands, tapping my legs, etc.. Let's have fun doing actions while listening to the music.
Let me play with balls of different sizes. Take some of the air out of a beach ball. Watch me kick, throw, and try to catch it.
I want to do things just like you. Let me have toys so I can pretend to dress up, have tea parties, and play mommy or daddy.
I like new toys, so find the local toy lending library or play groups in our community.
I am learning new words every day. Put pictures of toy animals, people or objects in a bag and say "1,2,3, what do we see?" and pull a picture from the bag.
Pretend to talk to me on the phone or encourage me to call someone.
Help me to notice familiar sounds, such as birds chirping, car or truck motors, airplanes, dogs barking, sirens, or splashing water. Imitate the noise you hear and see if I will imitate you. Encourage me by smiling and clapping.
I like simple puzzles with two to four pieces and shape-sorters with simple shapes. Encourage me to match the pieces by taking turns with me.
I enjoy exploring the world but I need to know that you are close by. I may cry when you leave me with others, so give me a hug and tell me you will be back.
I may get ear infections. Talk to my doctor about signs and symptoms.

ndds © 2011 ndds Intellectual Property Association. All rights reserved.